Monday, May 2, 2011

Haitian Super Star

Last night was SO random.
The First of may is the birthday of the town we are staying in in Haiti. Every year they have a huge festival and bring in the biggest stars in Haiti to sing and party all through the night.
Kristin's and my night started off with wanting to see the festival by motorcyle. We didn't want to get into the midst of the action, we just wanted to see what it was about.So we had one of our friends drive us. On our way downtown our moto ran out of gas. none of us had money on us, so we had to walk back to the hotel to get  cash, walk back to the bike and push it to the nearest gas station. Then we set out for the festival again. When we got to the water where the festival happens, it was so crowded we decided to turn around. Right then, someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was another one of our friends. The four of us talked for a bit, then decided that we wanted to walk on the beach in the midst of the action. It was fun. We returned home about 9 and  started to get ready for bed.
Our hotel owner is quite a character. His name is Bernard. We enjoy him greatly and have many a funny conversation with him. Last night he came and got us and told us we needed to come meet the Haitian super star that was staying at the hotel. A nice, normal looking Haitian guy came out and made small talk with us. He said his name was Gracia Delva, and said it as if we should know who he was. He called out his girlfriend and she came and chatted too. Immediately, I felt a great love for her in my heart, the kind of love that you want to see her do SO well in life and see all brokenness healed and see her walk with the Lord. They told us that he was singing at the festival that night and they invited us to go back down to the festival with them and watch the show. I wasn't in a mood to go out again and didn't even consider it for a second. however, Kristin is way more adventurous and fun than I am and told me she wanted to go. I reconsidered and Bernard talked us into going by telling us that we would only stay there for 20 or 30 minutes to see part of the show and come home.
6 of us hopped into Gracia's truck with 4 gigantic security guards. As we neared the festival and traffic slowed down, and people could see into the truck, and started swarming our truck once they recognized Gracia inside. As we approached the stage, we had to practically run to keep him from being swarmed by people. Kristin and I had no idea what to expect. We came around the back of the stage and Gracia disappeared. We were ushered onstage where there was music already blaring, and looked out over thousands and thousands of people singing along, dancing, and shouting. All of a sudden Gracia appeared onstage from no where and the crowd erupted. We had no idea that he literally is a huge super star here. We stood on the side of the stage with his girlfriend the whole time and danced and clapped to the music. Before he finished singing, his girlfriend Anne motioned for us to go off stage. we ran down and had to run back to the truck, ushered by the security guards. All of a sudden Gracia appeared in the truck and drove us home. It was like the craziest dream. On the way home, we found out that his second job is being a congress man. Just got elected into the Haitian government on March 20th. We all swapped information.
It was so crazy, because yes, it was a random, unrealistic night, but we know that nothing is random  with our God. I know that it is not random that I have a deep love for Anne already and a passion to see her brokenness mended by Jesus. I also do not believe it coincidence that one of the deepest prayers of my heart for Haiti is to see its government fall in love with Jesus and actually begin to see the country healed from the top down and we met a congress man, have his number and can pray for him. Who knows what God has in store, but I pray that God saves Anne and Gracia and uses them in changing Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazing, Dani. I just love hearing about your life there, and how God is moving. It's beautiful! <3
